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M.: Istina i zhizn´,
2000. — 256 p.
The introduction
to Russian Religious Philosophy

(Vvedenie v russkuyu religioznuyu filosofiyu.)

M.: PSTGU, 2009. — 448 p.

[3rd ed.] M.: PSTGU, 2006
[2rd ed.] M.: PSTBI, 2003
[1rd ed.] M.: PSTBI, 1999
The introduction
to the philosophy
of religion

(Vvedenie v filosofiyu religii.)

M.: PSTGU, 2009. — 248 p.


    in various publications
  1. Leonid I. Vasilenko. Cosmism and Evolutionism in the Russian Religious-Philosophical Tradition // The Russian Idea: In Search of a New Identity / Ed. by W. Hellerman. — Bloomington (Indiana): Slavica, 2004, pp. 151–163.

    [повтор публикации на русском в след. изданиях]:
    Василенко Л.И. Космизм и эволюционизм в русской религиозно-философской традиции // Философия русского космизма / Сост. Огурцов А.П., Фесенкова Л.В. — М.: ИФ РАН, Фонд «Новое тысячелетие», 1996, с. 290–301.
    L. I. Vasilenko, “Kosmizm i evollutsionizm v russkoi religiozno-filosofskoi traditsii,” in Filosofia russkogo kosmizma, ed. L. V. Fesenkova, A. P. Ogurcov (Moscow: IFAN, Fond «Novoe Tisicheletie», 1996), 290–301.

    Василенко Л.И. Космизм и эволюционизм в русской религиозно-философской традиции // Русский космизм и современность / Отв. ред. Л.В. Фесенкова. — М.: ИФ АН СССР, 1990, с. 70–86.
    L. I. Vasilenko, “Kosmizm i evollutsionizm v russkoi religiozno-filosofskoi traditsii,” in Russkii kosmizm i sovremennost´, ed. L. V. Fesenkova (Moscow: IFAN, 1990), 70–86.

  2. Leonid Vasilenko. [It’s not up to us to deside…] Shaping the culture of the future [“round table”] // Urania, 1994, N 5, p. 12.

    [повтор публикации на русском]:
    Леонид Василенко. [Нам не дано решать…] Очертания культуры будущего [«круглый стол»] // Урания, 1994, № 3, с. 11–12.

  3. Browse the complete list of articles at   Works in Russian

  selected summaries
  1. Leonid Vasilenko.
    Some philosophic-methodological problem
    of understanding the religions

    (Некоторые философско-методологические вопросы понимания религий // XVIII Ежегодная богословская конференция ПСТГУ. Т. 1. Материалы. — М.: Издательство Православного Свято-Тихоновского Гуманитарного Университета, 2008, c. 183–187.)

    Nekotorye filosofsko-metodologicheskie voprosy ponimaniya religii // XVIII Ezhegodnaya bogoslovskaya konferenciya PSTGU. T. 1. Materialy. — M.: Izdatel´stvo Pravoslavnogo Svyato-Tihonovskogo Gumanitarnogo Universiteta, 2008, pp. 183–187.

    Principle of exclusion of transcendence, typical for some secular scientist of religion, ignores its spiritual essence and makes it very similar to ideology. Author’s conviction is that believer has no less right than anyone to study religion, because he participates its life and sees it from within. His religious experience is coordinated with traditional experience and practice of his community. This gives him means to understand also another religions. Religious experience is treated as experience of responsible personal relations with God and neighbors, Who meets and guides man in the Church. Understanding, interpretation and expression of this experience is shaped by personal vision and faith of man together with the faith of the Church.

  2. Leonid I. Vasilenko.
    Some philosophic questions concerning
    the attitude of R. Bultman towards the Holy Scriptures

    (О некоторых философских вопросах отношения Рудольфа Бультмана к Священному Писанию // XVII Ежегодная богословская конференция ПСТГУ. Т. 1. Материалы. — М.: Издательство Православного Свято-Тихоновского Гуманитарного Университета, 2007, с. 46–51.)

    O nekotoryh filosofskih voprosah otnosheniya Rudol´fa Bul´tmana k Svyaschennomu Pisaniu // XVII Ezhegodnaya bogoslovskaya konferenciya PSTGU. T. 1. Materialy. — M.: Izdatel´stvo Pravoslavnogo Svyato-Tihonovskogo Gumanitarnogo Universiteta, 2007, pp. 46–51.

    The report views some philosophic questions caused by the criticism of R. Bultman’s main works. First of all it is the question of whether the mythological elements take place in The New Testament. Contrary to Bultman it shows the absence of such elements; it mainly reveals Bultman’s incorrect understanding of the role of the beginning comments in the interpretation of the text and also inadequate treatment of the essence of the myth. Besides the paper includes the question of the hermeneutic interpretation of these texts and proves that the use of Bultman’s understanding of the scientific character doesn't allow to expose the true meaning of the New Testament. The true scientific character implies for the admission that the Holy Traditions are true and gives us a full understanding of The New Testament. The report also discusses the difference between M. Heidegger’s and R. Bultman’s opinions of existentialism; the author points out that Bultman also fails to take into account the difference between Christian and non-Christian existentialism.

  3. Leonid Vasilenko.
    Some observations concerning
    A. Bergson’s philosophy of religion

    (Некоторые соображения по поводу философии религии А. Бергсона // XVII Ежегодная богословская конференция ПСТГУ. Т. 1. Материалы. — М.: Издательство Православного Свято-Тихоновского Гуманитарного Университета, 2007, с. 178–183.)

    Nekotorye soobrazheniya po povodu filosofii religii A. Bergsona // XVII Ezhegodnaya bogoslovskaya konferenciya PSTGU. T. 1. Materialy. — M.: Izdatel´stvo Pravoslavnogo Svyato-Tihonovskogo Gumanitarnogo Universiteta, 2007, pp. 178–183.

    The report focuses on Bergson’s main work on philosophy of religion: “The Two Sources of Morality and Religion” and raises some related questions. The paper exposes the lack of competence in terms of the whole global spiritual and historical picture of evolution that underlies Bergson’s idea. It also shows the weakness of harsh contrasting of two kinds of religion — static and dynamic. So we suppose that the use of Bergson’s idea makes it difficult to understand the essence of Christianity. This paper shows the effect of Bergson’s conception upon some later authors and polemic that took place in the second half of the XX-th century.

  4. Leonid Vasilenko.
    Toward cognitive meaning of the religious experience

    (О познавательном значении религиозного опыта // Вестник Православного Свято-Тихоновского Гуманитарного Университета (Серия I: «Богословие. Философия». Вып. 16). — М.: ПСТГУ, 2006, с. 23–44.)

    O poznavatel´nom znachenii religioznogo opyta // Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Svyato-Tihonovskogo Gumanitarnogo Universiteta (Seriya I: “Bogoslovie. Filosofiya”. Vyp. 16). — M.: PSTGU, 2006, pp. 23–44.

    The article suggests a historical review of the most fundamental theories and problems connected with a “religious experience” concept. The author examines such conceptions of F. Schleiermacher, R. Otto, H. Bergson, Vl. Soloviev and some other theologians and philosophers. While analyzing them from the Orthodox Christian point of view, as a conclusion he formulates his own vision of the subject.

  5. Leonid Vasilenko.
    On the “mystical intuition” of Vl. Solovyov

    («Мистическая интуиция» Владимира Соловьева // Вестник Православного Свято-Тихоновского Гуманитарного Университета (Серия I: «Богословие. Философия». Вып. 15). — М.: ПСТГУ, 2006, с. 130–141.)

    “Misticheskaya intuiciya” Vladimira Solov´eva // Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Svyato-Tihonovskogo Gumanitarnogo Universiteta (Seriya I: “Bogoslovie. Filosofiya”. Vyp. 15). — M.: PSTGU, 2006, pp. 130–141.

    One of the main Vl. Solovyov’s tasks was to determine philosophical principles of integral knowledge. It was a synthetic project of “full truth” about the world, which demanded to unite scientific, metaphysical and religious kinds of knowledge. In order to integrate them Solovyov proposed “mystical intuition” for penetration into the deepness of reality. This intuition he treated as some kind of belief. However we cannot agree that this belief is genuine religious faith. But faith helps to format and clean this intuition, helps reason to broad horizon’s of vision and understanding.

  6. Leonid Vasilenko.
    About magic and occultism in P. Florensky’s heritage

    (О магии и оккультизме в наследии о. Павла Флоренского // Вестник Православного Свято-Тихоновского Гуманитарного Университета (Серия «Филология. Философия. История»). — М.: Издательство Православного Свято-Тихоновского Гуманитарного Университета, 2004, № 3, с. 81–99.)

    O magii i okkul´tizme v nasledii o. Pavla Florenskogo // Vestnik Pravoslavnogo Svyato-Tihonovskogo Gumanitarnogo Universiteta (Seriya “Filologiya. Filosofiya. Istoriya”). — M.: Izdatel´stvo Pravoslavnogo Svyato-Tihonovskogo Gumanitarnogo Universiteta, 2004, № 3, pp. 81–99.

    The author considers issues of magic and occultism in P. Florensky’s heritage. The testinonies by P. Florensky’s contemporaries which well knew him personally (S. Bulgakov, A. Losev) are involved, as well as some modern judgements and opinions.
    Then the author turns to the very works by P. Florensky. Hereby the complex compre hension of “magic” is revealed, as well as his interests in occultism, platonism and gnosticism.

  7. Leonid Vasilenko.
    Love of Nature and Transfiguration of the World

    (Любовь к природе и преображение мира // Страницы, 1998 (т. 3), № 1, с. 32–44.)

    Lubov´ k prirode i preobrajenie mira // Stranici, 1998 (т. 3), № 1, pp. 32–44.

    The author uses ecology to study the love of nature. He treats the issue as a phenomenon of spiritual culture. He compares ancient Greek concept of Love as Eros and biblical one, as αγάπη. The author argues that the Christian view is more than merely the sum of the two concepts.

  in different languages
  1. Leonid Vasilenko. Rusija: aplink tėvo Aleksandro Menio asmenį // Naujasis Židinys [Vilnius, Religijos ir kultūros žornalas], 1992, N 11 (23), р. 62–65.

  2. Л.И. Василенко. Доля традиціï “керування” природою // Філос. і соціол. думка, 1991, № 6, с. 3–21.

    (L.I. Vasilenko. Traditions of the “Management of Nature” and their Fates // Philosophical & Sociological Thought, 1991, pp. 3–21.)

    The genesis of the traditions of the “management of nature” as a concept is considered in the article. It has a status of the basic world-view orienting point which determine the character of the subject — transforming activity of man in different historical epochs.
    Author brings in question a presentation about the “non-ecological” character of the Western-European culture. Big attention is paid to the influence of the traditions of the “management of nature” The heritage of the Middle Ages is analyzed from the point of view of ecologically acceptable attitude to the nature.
    A very optimistic conclusion is made about the possibility to transform the “traditions of management” of nature into conception of the “collaboration with nature” within the frames of the European culture.

    [повтор публикации на русском]:
    Василенко Л.И. Судьбы традиции «управления природой» // Философская и социологическая мысль [Республиканский научно-технический журнал], 1991, № 6, с. 3–21.

  3. Chrystus Jest dostatecznie silny. Rozmowa z Leonidem Wasilienką, filozofem z Moskwy // Artur Michalski. Na gruzach totalitaryzmu. Rozmowy o odradzaniu się chrześcijaństwa w Rosji. — Warszawa: Ośrodek dokumentacji i studiów spolecznych, 1991, s. 81–89.

    Leonid Vasilenko’s publications include books and many articles on the theme of philosophy of religion, theology, ecology and culture.
    Browse the complete list of articles at   Works in Russian
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